Reverend John L. McCullough
Associate General Secretary
General Board of Global Ministries
The United Methodist Church
"Your ministry of music shall long be remembered; you touched us deeply, and we are grateful."
Bishop Ernest S. Lyght
The United Methodist Church
"Kay Boyd is a gifted singer, whose voice inspires the uninspired and comforts the human soul."
Denise Smith-Fraser, Ed.D.
Gannett Newspapers
"Having had a chance to listen to Boyd's latest CD, I can honestly say this: It's beautiful."
Hilda A. Furlow
7th Day Adventist Church
"I Owe It All To Jesus is one of the most beautiful albums I have... As you sing (Kay), I can feel the feelings, the expressions, the depth from your soul..."
Esther B. Powell, President
Butler's Newsreel
Butler Memorial U. M. Church
"Her inspiring gospel singing captivated the audience. Did any of you hear a little Mahalia Jackson in her songs... the lady is good!"